Just as society changes, its standards change as well. We evolve, true, but more in a circular than in a linear manner. Some things, after all, you can’t erase or dismiss. The same applies to beauty – fashion trends vary, what was once in can easily be out. Yet, no matter how hard we try to redefine ‘beautiful’, the essence of it is evergreen – it’s how we radiate our uniqueness

It’s 2021. Expressing our individuality should be easier than ever but finding it, well, maybe harder than ever. Yes, thankfully, we have the right and means to be ourselves, after centuries of repression. On the other hand, expectations are higher than ever and we tend to be hard on ourselves, forgetting to enjoy rather than please.   

[PRO #1] Diversity

FINALLY, humans have realized that beauty comes in all shapes and forms! It’s essential that little kids around the world see that people who look just like them are also gorgeous, successful, and strong. Beauty is not reserved for some, it’s omnipresent! Every continent and every country has so much beauty to offer, let’s embrace them!

[CON #1] High Expectations

Sometimes, we get overwhelmed by that ‘aggressive positivity’ we usually see on social media. No, the lives of others aren’t perfect – it’s not just beaches, sunshine, and flawless skin. Everyone has a different public persona, and it’s always polished and selective. Please, don’t compare yourselves to the appearance of others. You are so much more than that!

[PRO #2] Creativity

Since that societal grip has loosened up, when it comes to our looks, we get to create and reinvent ourselves. We can change our style whenever we want and more easily find what we’re most comfortable with. Expressing our inner self is always fun and refreshing! Speaking of which… new hairstyle, anyone?

[CON #2] Conditioning Beauty

For perfect skin, you have to use tons of different products. For perfect hair – same story. Your makeup routine should consist of dozens of steps. Don’t repeat your outfits. The cycle never ends. While many beneficial products certainly make our life easier, we should learn to accept our imperfections, too. Messy hair can be stylish! Mom’s wardrobe is full of treasures. Makeup doesn’t always have to be glamorous. Casual is sexy!

[PRO #3] Sharing the Burden

Social media and the Internet, in general, can be awesome, too! Often, we find like-minded people from all over the world and become friends for life. Additionally, we realize more easily that we’re not alone in our struggles. Confidence issues are something we all share, and finding a supportive community can be life-changing!

[CON #3] Forgetting the Joy of Little Things

Living in the 21st century means living in the 5th gear, in a much faster manner than the generations before us. There are so many things to achieve and so little time! In all that chaos, we often forget to slow down and enjoy the moment. Treasure your little rituals, those brief moments of pure joy – and don’t forget to laugh until your tummy hurts! 

In the end, it is what it is – we can’t choose the time we’re living in, but we can certainly shape it. Building our confidence is a process that can last a lifetime, and that’s okay! No one is born perfect, and no one is born without something beautiful to share with the world. 

Last, but certainly not least – encourage others! Make them feel comfortable, compliment them and choose to share love rather than hate. No negativity, just sisterhood! We are all in the same boat of time and whilst we’re here – let’s celebrate the beauty and the joy of life!